Jazz is Everywhere
Every day is a Jazz Day,
Every sound is the sound of jazz
Every person
Offers their chorus to the world
Jazz is everywhere
In these confinement days I persist, I insist, I want to keep on
Keep on trying
Keep on creating
Keep on breathing
Keep on imagining new worlds,
New words,
New bonds between you and them,
Between them and us,
Between me and you, me and her
New ways to talk about Love.
All is possible,
Everything can be.
I decide to chant walking down the street
In the middle of the sound
Of a few kids laughing,
Amidst the noise of cars passing by,
The rhythm of a thousand birds in the trees,
Inside the dance of the rare people silently walking
In the murmur of life.
I decide to chant no matter my feelings,
To be part of Life
Because I am part of Life
Because Jazz
Takes part in Life.
Jazz is everywhere
In these circumstances where we seem enclosed
I decide to go singing everywhere --
I stay in
I go out
Amongst people
In the noise of life
That is so precious.
Oh How do we realize the preciousness of noise, rhythm and sounds
When we are in such a silence,
Listening to ourselves in the depths of our homes,
Wondering deep inside
What kind of a world do we want to design with our hands.
What kind of life
Do we want to create under our feet while we're walking ?
A new World
A new Earth
I am walking
You are walking,
She, he is walking on new earth --
Unknown earth growing under our feet
While we put one foot in front of the other.
A New Earth is emerging from nowhere all along our way.
Footprints give life to life.
This new score we don't know
But we know our dreams.
And so
We jump into the unknown
And swim and sing and swing our personal refrain.
It's my JazzDay everyday
Do you want that too ?
Do you want to sing this undiscovered life of yours every morning ?
Do you want to be the composer of your still unknown music ?
I want to sing the noise of Life
Be it beautiful,
Be it sad,
Be it ugly,
Be it magic
It doesn't matter, all is blessed.
I choose to sing the Sound of Life.
I want to sing.
Let me offer you
These moments
In the street when I steal blue sky for confinement,
In my kitchen with my cat singing its funny way giving me company,
In our home with my daughter who lives in the world of tomorrow,
A world I cannot visit unless she offers me to dream it with her...
Every day is a JazzDay
Let's do it !
Dare to do it !
Open what is closed
And sing
Break what prevents you from breathing
And sing
Sing low, sing loud, shout, cry, murmur, laugh ...
Make a sound.
Make a first sound,
Close your eyes, fly inside yourself.
Give a sound to the world.
Give that first sound
Go with it
See what is happening
It's your Jazz Day
- Claire MALBOS